What the #@!$ we try to accomplish through 3 cents?

How many pings do you receive per day? May them be emails, IMs, phone calls, etc. How many of them truly add value? How many comprise actual non-perishable knowledge? Ever been nudged by a 50-minute long YouTube video you have no idea what was the key insight your friend was trying to point out?

At 3cents, we aim to give you more than the usual ‘two cents’ found in mainstream newsletters and blog posts. We filter the key takeaways from each interesting piece we find. We look for the (non)-obvious ideas and connect the dots between seemingly unrelated topics. We deliver more than a simple mailing list pointing out 25 cool articles or videos.

We don’t care about the format. Sharp knowledge might come from old paperback books, tweets, videos, podcasts - even newspapers (meh, guess not).

We are avid readers and intellectually curious people by design. But we don’t deem to know all the must-read sources across different platforms. So we also invite you, our readers, to share the most relevant piece you've stumbled upon recently and why it was so relevant to you.

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Adding Value Through Sharp Curation


Investimento, comportamento e baderna.
With over 20 years of experience in financial analysis, and being a tech love since I was a kid, I started Trend Override to share my thoughts on tech, finance, culture, business and AI.